Industry-leading snow avalanche solutions for projects around the globe

Snowy mountains in Japan with trees in the foreground

We provide avalanche hazard and risk assessment, engineering, forecasting, control and training for snow avalanche risk management and mountain safety.

Dynamic Avalanche Japan K.K. was formed in 2019 to provide snow avalanche consulting and ski resort management services for the Japanese market. Our Japanese business and services have grown from those provided globally by our parent company, Dynamic Avalanche Consulting Ltd. which was founded in 2011 and based in British Columbia, Canada.

Examples of services that we provide includes:

Snow safety and ski resort management

Avalanche terrain assessment and avalanche hazard and risk mapping

Avalanche safety plan development and implementation

Avalanche safety program reviews

Avalanche training and mountain safety

Avalanche hazard forecasting

Japanese ski patrollers preparing to through dynamite for avalanche control. Sunrise and mountain town in the background.
Ski patrollers checking terrain and avalanche danger at top of snowy mountain in Japan

Explosive avalanche control program design and implementation

Avalanche hazard and risk analysis for route and facility location planning for ski resorts, mining, energy and forestry projects

Avalanche protection system (e.g. defense structures) engineering and design

Snow climate studies

Avalanche accident investigation and expert witness

Our team is dedicated to finding innovative, safe, timely, practical and cost-effective solutions for our clients. Our business has excelled as an internationally recognized leader in snow avalanche risk management, engineering and mountain safety, providing innovative solutions with proven results. We draw upon expertise from a network of highly skilled employees and associates to meet our clients’ needs.

Japanese ski patrollers unrolling saving netting to install with safety signage at the top of a ski run.
Ski patrollers skinning up a snowy mountain in Japan.

We are Professional Members of:

  • Japan Avalanche Network (JAN)
  • Japan Mountain Guide Association (JMGA)
  • Canadian Avalanche Association (CAA)
  • American Avalanche Association (AAA)
  • Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (EGBC)
  • International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations (IFMGA)

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